Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Swimming begins in Term 2 for 3 weeks. Daily Timetable will be posted at a later date.
Mondays 12, 19 and 26 May
Wednesdays 14, 21 and 28 May
Fridays 16, 23 and 30 May



 Rua Team Newsletter

In Term 2 and Term 4 we have 9 sessions booked for Swimming Lessons at Dudley Aquatic Pool. The cost per Lesson is $2.30 for Term 2 and $1.00 per lesson in Term 4. (Term 4 is subsidised)

The total cost is  $29.70 for both terms. You are welcome to pay the total fees or at least Term 2 fees by 29 April.

Please fill in the form below and return to your child’s class teacher.

I give permission for my child ___________ Class______
to participate in the swimming lessons at Dudley Aquatic Centre.

Enclosed is  $20.70  / $29.70  ( please circle which applies.)


Monday, 17 March 2014

Sports Spectacular Reminder


The Rua Team is participating in a Sports Spectacular event with other local schools.
Children are split into small groups and rotate around sports stations.  This is a great
event because children get to have fun and learn new sports skills.

Where:  Southbrook Park
When: Tuesday 8th April
Time: 10am - 2pm

Parent Helpers are required to assist with groups and also with walking children to 
and from the park.

Please return forms by 28 March - and if you are able to help please let the classroom teacher know.